First Dose Vaccination In New Bangka Reaches 79 Percent

BANGKA BELITUNG - The COVID-19 Task Force (Satgas) of Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province noted that the realization of the first dose of vaccine in the area in the general group reached 201,879 people or 79.12 percent of the 255,161 targets.

"Until the day when the first dose of vaccine was achieved, 201,879 people were spread across eight sub-districts or in 62 villages," said Bangka Regency COVID-19 Task Force Spokesperson Boy Yandra in a statement, in Sungailiat, Wednesday.

Meanwhile, the second dose of vaccination services for the same age group reached 169,008 people or 66.24 percent was realized. Meanwhile, the achievement of complementary or booster vaccines was 33,218 people, or 13.02 percent.

Meanwhile, the achievement of the first dose vaccination service in the group of children aged six to 11 years recorded as many as 30,847 children or 94.09 percent of the total target of 32,506 children, while the achievement of the second dose was 25,273 children or 77.75 percent.

"I make sure the achievement rate of vaccination services in all groups and doses increases because every day dozens of vaccination booths are opened to the sub-district and village levels," explained Boy Yandra.

Likewise, the achievement of complementary or booster vaccine services, he said, will certainly increase after the government enforces no antigen test and PCR for Eid homecoming perpetrators.

"I remind all compulsory age groups who have not been vaccinated, either the first, second, and complementary doses, immediately register at the nearest vaccine service outlet," said Boy Yandra.

All levels of society must also remain disciplined in implementing the health procedures even though the case of the spread of the coronavirus in Bangka Regency continues to slope or there are only nine active COVID-19 patients recorded.