Inaugurating New Rules, Central Government Delegates Part Of IUP To Provincial Government

JAKARTA - The central government has officially delegated some of the authority for licensing mineral and coal mining businesses (Minerba) to the provincial government.

The decision is contained in Presidential Regulation Number 55 of 2022 concerning the Delegation of Authority in Mining Mining Management.

Director-General of Mineral and Coal, Ridwan Djamaluddin, said this Presidential Regulation was formed within the framework of implementing Law no. 3 of 2020 in which part of the authority of the Central Government is delegated to the Provincial Government to implement good and effective governance.

"In this delegation, the regulations above will continue to run as before", he said at a virtual press conference quoted on Tuesday, April 19.

Ridwan emphasized that the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is coordinating with relevant Ministries and Regional Governments so that the transition runs smoothly and does not cause chaos.

"Don't let the implementation of this Presidential Regulation cause chaos in licensing. We are currently arranging incoming permits, we are currently processing them. However, there will be a time limit for the process to be continued by the provincial government. Please be patient, there is no intention from the government to delay. What we are doing is making the transition period run smoothly according to the purpose and essence of this Presidential Regulation", Ridwan continued.

The Delegation of Authority is effective on April 11, 2022. The Central Government immediately coordinates with the Provincial Government and relevant Government Agencies in the context of implementing Presidential Decree No. 55 of 2022.

"We want the delegation to achieve its goal where there is no reduction in mineral and coal mining governance and everything goes well. The most important thing is that the public gets the best and uninterrupted service", Ridwan reiterated.

The Presidential Regulation essentially delegates the authority of the Central Government to the Provincial Government regarding the issuance of Mining Business Permits (IUP) for groups of non-metallic minerals, certain types of non-metallic minerals, and rocks.

In addition to the IUP, other permits are granted in the form of a Rock Mining Permit (SIPB), People's Mining Permit (IPR), Mining Services Business Permit (IUJP) for 1 Province, Transportation and Sales Permit, and IUP for Sales of non-metallic minerals, non-metallic minerals certain types, and rocks are also delegated.

The delegation of Licensing is also accompanied by the delegation of authority to grant and determine the Mining Business Permit Area (WIUP) for Non-Metal Minerals, WIUP for Certain Types of Non-Metal Minerals, and WIUP for Rocks, determination of benchmark prices for groups of non-metallic minerals, certain types of non-metallic minerals, and rocks. providing recommendations or approvals relating to the delegated authority.

The authority to conduct guidance and supervision of issued permits is also delegated. Regarding Supervision, in carrying out supervision, the Governor assigns a Mining Inspector and Mining Supervisory Officer.

"In this case, the Mining Inspector is only at the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and some supervisory officials are currently still at the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal. If there is no supervisory official, The governor as the representative of the central government appoints an official who carries out the function of supervising the exploitation aspect, so this is what the regional government can determine", explained the Director of Mineral Business Guidance, Sugeng Mujiyanto.