Karmic Relationship, A Bond Of Love Full Of Conflict And Drama But Hard To End

JAKARTA - Have you ever been in a romantic relationship situation that made you crazy about your lover, but on the other hand, you also feel pressured but don't want to let go? If yes, it means you are in a relationship called a karmic relationship.

Citing Beautynesia, Wednesday, April 13, a karmic relationship is a love relationship filled with challenges that are burdensome but very difficult to maintain nor do they want to let go. This relationship is colored by passionate romance and pain that often comes together.

Even if you feel compatible with your partner, if this relationship is maintained you will only feel sick and lose yourself. Sanam Hafeez, PsyD, a neuropsychologist and faculty member at Columbia University, tells Healthline that a karmic relationship is not a relationship that lasts long, but holds lessons for anyone who goes through it.

It's a bit tricky to identify karmic relationships. In addition to the explanation above, the following are signs that indicate if you are experiencing a karmic relationship.

Lots of conflict and drama

There is no relationship that is not colored by fighting. Conflict and drama are often considered as spices for love. But in a karmic relationship, the couple will be faced with these two things continuously without stopping which results in pain and disappointment.

Bring out the negative side

Because ups and downs in karmic relationships often occur, it's no wonder that the bad side of yourself begins to unfold. You find it difficult to control the negative energy within yourself when you are with your partner. You may even find it difficult to recognize yourself.

One-sided relationship

Karmic relationships are actually not far from toxic and one-sided relationships. Where, this relationship makes one party selfish and justifies any means to make oneself happy in the relationship.

Relationships always make you tired

All the joys and sorrows, miscommunication, codependency, becomes energy, mental and emotional exhausting, especially when you are with your partner.

Depends on partner

This dependence is like an independent relationship where you can't let your partner go even though he or she has hurt and disappointed your feelings. It's easy because you feel he is your destined soulmate. So no matter how painful the action is, you will still try to maintain the relationship.