23 Urban Villages In Kupang City Zero COVID-19 Cases

KUPANG - The Health Service stated that 23 out of 51 urban villages in Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara Province currently have zero cases of COVID-19 after the decline in COVID-19 cases in the area.

"According to the data from the Health Service that we received, there are 23 urban villages in the city of Kupang that have entered the green zone status for COVID-19 cases", said a spokesman for the Kupang City COVID-19 Task Force, Ernest Ludji in Kupang, Tuesday, April 12.

Quoted by Antara, he said the number of urban villages that were included in the green zone status increased from previously only 13 villages last week, adding 10 villages so that a total of 23 urban villages no longer have positive residents for COVID-19.

According to him, there are still 27 urban villages in the capital city of East Nusa Tenggara Province which are still in the yellow zone status because they still have 1-4 positive cases of COVID-19.

Meanwhile, one village, Kayu Putih Village, is included in the area of the village with an orange zone status because it still has six residents who are positive for COVID-19.

Ernest Ludji also added that there have been 22,804 positive cases of COVID-19 in Kupang City, consisting of 22,379 recovered patients and 58 people who are still being treated.

Meanwhile, COVID-19 patients who died from being infected with the COVID-19 virus reached 367 people.