PPATK Collects State Compensation Of IDR 17.38 Trillion Since 2018
JAKARTA - The Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) helps state revenues throughout 2018-2020 through the use of inspection results and fines of IDR 10.85 billion, compensation for state losses of IDR 17.38 trillion, and a number of confiscated assets.
"We will continue to assist the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) who almost every day submits information to us to obtain analysis results related to disclosure of cases in the taxation sector," said PPATK Head Ivan Yustivandana at the PPATK 3rd Legal Forum event in Jakarta, Thursday, March 31.
Meanwhile, the submission of the results of the PPATK analysis in 2021 related to corruption cases will also contribute to revenue for state finances in the form of a fine of IDR 1 billion and compensation for state financial losses of IDR 20.96 billion and USD 77 thousand.
Ivan explained that corruption and tax crimes are predicate crimes of money laundering.
Based on the results of the national risk assessment in the field of eradicating money laundering and combating terrorism in 2021, stipulates corruption as one of the high-risk crimes followed by tax crimes.
However, Ivan ensures that the anti-money laundering and prevention of terrorism financing regulations have been developed through the implementation of Law 15/2002 as amended into Law 25/2003 which was later amended into Law 8/2010.
The implementation of the law is considered capable of disrupting money laundering activities originating from criminal acts of corruption and criminal acts in the taxation sector, including the carbon tax.
Ivan emphasized that the disruption of money laundering through the anti-money laundering movement and the prevention of terrorism financing in Indonesia can run effectively and optimally if it is carried out in synergy and solidly between the public and private sectors.
Synergy with law enforcement agencies also needs to be optimized in the context of asset recovery and saving state assets from corruption, tax crimes, and money laundering.
Ivan hopes that through the anti-money laundering movement and the prevention of terrorism financing in 2022, it can support the optimization of state revenues and disrupt efforts to leak state revenues due to money laundering activities from corruption and tax crimes.
"The PPATK believes that this collaborative effort can be a joint success story between the public and private sectors in carrying out asset recovery," said Ivan.