Pertalite Is Empty, Motorcycle Users Willing To Queue To Buy Pertamax At Kelapa Dua Gas Station, Tangerang Regency

TANGERANG - The availability of RON 90 or pertalite fuel oil at a number of public gas stations (SPBU), in Kelapa Dua, Tangerang Regency has been empty since Wednesday, March 30, at 12.00 western Indonesia time - 19.00 western Indonesia time.

Wahyu, one of the gas station officers said that when the pertalite fuel was empty. However, pertamax and diesel are available.

"From noon until 7 last night, he just arrived," said Wahyu when he was met at the location on Thursday, March 31, early in the morning.

Wahyu said that the impact of the pertalite fuel vacancy resulted in long queues at the Tangerang Regency gas station. This happens because only motorcycle fuel can be used.

"Long queues, they bought Pertamax, because Pertalite is empty," he explained.

However, after the fuel tank car arrived at the location, the queue slowly broke down.

"Once you receive 16 tons, the time is uncertain. So when you received it (the tank truck arrived), the queues could be resolved," said Wahyu.