Make Sure No On-The-Road Sahur Activities, Pamulang Area And Every Corner Of South Tangerang City Will Be Guarded By Police

SOUTH TANGERANG - The South Tangerang Police (Tangsel) forbids on-the-road sahur activities which are usually carried out by teenagers at night until dawn. According to the South Tangerang Police Chief, Grand Commissioner Adjutant of Police Sarly Sollu, the activity triggered a brawl.

Therefore, he will lower his members to supervise, and take action against teenagers who are still determined to have sahur on the road.

"For the on-the-road sahur, we will not hold it and we will carry out strict supervision. We will supervise the deployment of members to provide security," said Grand Commissioner Adjutant of Police Sarly Sollu when confirmed, Wednesday, March 30.

Sarly said, several areas became police monitoring points in South Tangerang, namely, Pamulang, Ciputat, Pondok Aren to Pondok Aren.

"We will deploy personnel to carry out surveillance and monitoring. So there is no more on-the-road sahur," he said

As previously reported, we will deploy personnel to carry out surveillance and monitoring. So no more on the road sahur.

"During the month of Ramadan, before or starting on Friday tomorrow, we will enforce security at 12 monitoring posts, within the Tangerang City Metro line," said Komarudin when contacted, Tuesday, March 29.

Komarudin determined that his party would start guarding from night to dawn or early in the morning. This is done to prevent convoys and brawls in Tangerang City.

"For this monitoring post, it will be active from 24.00 onwards until dawn. Officers to anticipate activities or convoy activities, other community activities at night," he said.