Coordinating Minister For Political, Legal And Security Affairs Gives Bakamla Authority To Investigate Violations At Sea

JAKARTA – Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Mahfud MD said the Maritime Law (UU), which will be revised in a limited way to become the Omnibus Law on Sea Security, will authorize the Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla) as a coast guard to investigate violations at sea.

"In the implementation of security, safety, and law enforcement in Indonesian waters, and Indonesian jurisdictions, it will be regulated in a government regulation (for the short term). Law in the maritime sector," said Mahfud in a written statement received in Jakarta, Wednesday, March 30.

On Friday, March 11, he continued, the Government has stipulated and promulgated Government Regulation Number 13 of 2022 concerning the Implementation of Security, Safety, and Law Enforcement in Indonesian Waters and Indonesian Jurisdiction Areas.

"This government regulation does not reduce the authority of ministries and institutions, but regulates the implementation of security, safety, and law enforcement at sea, in order to increase synergies between ministries and institutions, patrol effectiveness, budget efficiency, and resources, as well as increase national security guarantees at sea," he explained.

In addition, he added, PP Number 13 of 2022 also mandates several implementing regulations that require acceleration in their formation.

First, the establishment of a Security, Safety, and Law Enforcement Forum in Indonesian Waters and Indonesian Jurisdiction.

The forum consists of Ministers or Heads of Institutions who have authority at sea, with Menkopolhukam as chairman of the forum and the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment as deputy chairman of the forum.

Second, the integration of the national marine security and safety information system and the formation of a work team at the security, safety, and law enforcement information center, with the appointment of liaisons from each ministry and agency.

Third, planning and organizing patrols, which consist of joint patrols, independent patrols, and coordinated patrols, through a national patrol plan.

The priority of the joint patrol is supported by the budget as well as facilities and infrastructure, so that it can be more effective and efficient in the implementation of security, safety, and law enforcement in Indonesian waters and jurisdictions.

Fourth, national security, safety, and law enforcement policies in Indonesian waters and Indonesian jurisdictions with a period of five years will serve as guidelines and references in strategic plans, work plans of relevant agencies, and technical agencies, in the implementation of security, safety, and enforcement law in the territorial waters of Indonesia and the jurisdiction of Indonesia.

"The implementation of Government Regulation No. 13 of 2022 is expected to be the first step to safeguard the sovereignty of Indonesia's marine territories in an integrated and better coordinated manner," said the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court.