Without You Knowing, These 5 Conditions Make Hair Fall
JAKARTA – Hair loss is a complaint of many people, both women and men. There are also many triggers, including lack of vitamins, needing special care, stress, declining health to bad habits that make hair brittle.
Fortunately, from the various causes of hair loss, there is always a solution, reported by Health, Monday, March 21. Generally, hair loss problems can be caused by the following.
1. Not managing stress
Everyone has demands and responsibilities. It can't be denied if you experience stress because there are many things that need to be thought about that are resolved. Therefore, it takes the right way to manage stress so as not to reduce physical health. A sign of declining physical health is hair loss. Even other illnesses, such as exposure to COVID-19, according to New York-based dermatologist Michelle Henry, MD., can cause hair loss.
In detail, Henry explained, that preventing stress is the easiest way to prevent hair loss. If your hair loss is stress-related, your dermatologist may recommend steps to increase circulation around the hairball at the base of the hair follicle.
2. Too much consumption of foods containing vitamin A
Foods that contain vitamin A, if consumed in excess, can trigger hair loss. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the daily value of vitamin A is 5.000 IU for adults and children over 4 years of age. If consumed more than that can cause hair loss.
3. Less protein consumption
Too little protein consumption also has the potential to cause hair loss. Those of you who are on the keto diet also has the potential to experience the same thing, because your eating habits change. A simple way to overcome this, balance it by adding more protein such as more menus made from eggs, chicken, nuts, and yogurt.
4. Hormonal changes
Pregnancy changes hormones in women. In addition to pregnancy, taking contraceptive pills and hormonal changes due to the menstrual cycle also affect the fertility of your hair. Even during menopause, women are also likely to experience hair loss. According to Mark Hammonds, MD., a dermatologist in Texas, says that the condition of hair loss due to hormonal changes is temporary. When it starts to balance again, the hair will grow back.
5. Iron in the body is low
In conditions of anemia, a person has iron deficiency. When these conditions, iron is lacking in the body, symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, or chest pain. Iron deficiency also affects hair loss.
The five conditions above are factors that cause hair loss. In addition, the habit of dyeing hair, styling with hot equipment, and often curling or tying hair tightly can also cause hair loss. To prevent this, take care of your hair as needed, live a healthy life by consuming balanced nutrition and vitamins, and manage stress appropriately.