Ordered By Father To Distribute Sabu, Students In Bali Arrested By Police

JEMBRANA - The Jembrana Police Narcotics Satres Team, Bali arrested four perpetrators of methamphetamine cases in three different locations in Jembrana.

Of the three cases, one of them involved father and son. Currently, the police have only arrested ADNW who is a student. He sold 3 packages of methamphetamine.

Jembrana Police Chief, AKBP I Dewa Gede Juliana, said when the ADNW perpetrator was interrogated, he admitted that his father, whose initials was AW, was ordered to distribute methamphetamine.

"After further questioning, the person concerned admitted that his father had ordered him to distribute it. However, when the team was about to search his house, AW (DPO) had already fled", said AKBP Juliana, Monday, March 14.

Meanwhile, the evidence seized were 12 clear plastic clips containing methamphetamine with a gross of 31 grams.

"The gross weight is 31 grams. The only child who was arrested and the father is still a DPO (wanted list). The motive is economic", he added.

The perpetrator's father, called the police, is a recidivist. "His father was a recidivist who had been arrested several years ago and in drug cases as well", he said.

The perpetrators are charged with Article 114 paragraph (1) or 112 paragraph (1) or Article 27 paragraph (1) letter of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.