Positive For COVID-19, Australian PM Scott Morrison Has Fever And Flu

JAKARTA - Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced Tuesday that he has tested positive for COVID-19 and is experiencing flu-like symptoms, including a fever.

"I continue to follow health guidelines and self-isolate at home in Sydney," PM Morrison said in a statement issued late Tuesday.

PM Morrison said he would continue to carry out his duties as prime minister while in isolation, coordinating his government's response to the war in Ukraine and emergency support for unprecedented flooding in the country's east.

After developing a fever on Tuesday evening, PM Morrison said he had tests that showed he had contracted the virus. PM Morrison said he had been tested for COVID-19 since Sunday, including Tuesday morning, which came back negative.

To note, PM Morrison did not attend the event at the Sydney Opera House on Tuesday night, which illuminated the building's screens in yellow and blue to represent Australia's support for Ukraine in the face of the Russian invasion.