Health Care System Overwhelmed, Hong Kong Records 1.347 COVID-19 Infection Cases

JAKARTA - Hong Kong reported 1.347 new daily COVID-19 infections on Sunday, down from the previous day's record, with an additional 2.000 cases, but the spread threatens to threaten the city's overwhelmed health care system, authorities said.

The spike in coronavirus cases, the biggest test of Hong Kong's 'dynamic zero-COVID' strategy, came a day after the government said China would help the city with testing, treatment, and quarantine capacity.

Following the death of a four-year-old who initially tested positive for the disease this week, the government said late on Sunday, children from the age of three would be eligible for vaccination from February 15.

Authorities also warned food supplies to the city might be disrupted, after several cross-border truck drivers tested positive for the coronavirus, but said they were doing everything they could to get the situation back to normal "as soon as possible."

Hong Kong imports 90 percent of its food, with the mainland being its most important source, especially for fresh food. Consumers feel the scarcity of some imported goods, including premium seafood, due to strict flight restrictions.

Health authorities in the city of 7.5 million people reported 1.347 infections of the new coronavirus, down from 1.514 on Saturday, but they told a news conference there were about 2.000 initial cases. The rapid spread of the outbreak was overwhelming health facilities, they said.

Local media have reported that the city will report a record 3.000 infections, including initial cases.

"For those who are in stable condition, please wait patiently. Please heed our advice," said Hospital Authority official Larry Lee.

Meanwhile, Hong Kong's No. 2, John Lee, said on Saturday there were no plans to lock down the city, where schools, gyms, cinemas, and most other venues are closed. Social gatherings are limited to two, restaurants close at 6 p.m. and it's rare to see people without masks.

Following the current situation, most of the Hong Kong office employees have returned to work from home.

Hong Kong and mainland China are among the few places in the world still trying to contain any COVID-19 outbreaks, but the Omicron variant is proving difficult to control and its spread is adding to pressure on the expanded healthcare system.

The mainland Chinese measures announced on Saturday will give Hong Kong some breathing room, as medical capacity is tested on all fronts, although there were no specific details of the plans and it was unclear how quickly they could be implemented.

The hospital occupancy rate for COVID-19 patients in Hong Kong stands at 90 percent, data from the Hospital Authority shows, while isolation facilities are near maximum.

Separately, Legal Welfare Minister Chi-kwong said the city would shorten the quarantine period for residents, as well as nursing home staff for the elderly, as they lack isolation beds.

To note, Hong Kong has recorded around 24,000 infections and more than 200 deaths, much lower than other similar major cities. Medical experts warn Hong Kong could see 28.000 daily infections by the end of March, with the unvaccinated elderly being of particular concern.