Bobby Nasution Invites Gerindra Cadres To Collaborate To Build Medan City

MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution invited the cadres of the Gerindra Party Medan City to collaborate with the local government in building and advancing the city of Medan.

"The Gerindra Party DPC Medan City together with the Medan City Government collaborate to advance the City of Medan. I hope that our goals will be achieved for the welfare of the community", said Bobby in Medan, North Sumatra, Saturday, February 12.

This was revealed, accompanied by Deputy Mayor, Aulia Rachman, after attending the 14th Anniversary of the Gerindra Party Medan at the Gerindra Party Office in Medan City.

In front of the Chairman of the Gerindra Party Medan City, Ihwan Ritonga, and the party's board of directors, Bobby emphasized that his party requested support to create a prosperous Medan City community.

The mayor asked the party cadres with the image of the golden yellow eagle's head to support the program, including the five priority programs of the current Medan City Government.

"I wish you a happy birthday for the Gerindra Party of Medan City. Hopefully, this party can provide advice, input, and support to the Medan City Government to build Medan City", said Bobby.

The mayor also asked all Gerindra Party cadres to always be disciplined in implementing the health protocols at least 3M, namely washing hands, wearing masks, and maintaining distance.

"In addition to vaccination, the spread of COVID-19 can be minimized by being disciplined in implementing health protocols", he said.

"COVID-19 in the city of Medan is currently increasing slightly. But we must be disciplined in carrying out health protocols. Hopefully, we will run the procedures to avoid the spread of COVID-19", said Mayor Bobby.