Substitute Susi Air In Malinau Airport Hangar, Smart Aviation Boss: 100 Percent Decision From The Regency Government

JAKARTA - PT Smart Cakrawala Aviation or Smart Aviation, which is replacing Susi Air in the hangar owned by the Malinau Regional Government, confirmed that it did not have a conflict with any party regarding the hangar rental permit.

Smart Aviation CEO, Pongky Majaya, said at a press conference that Smart Aviation only made an offer and the decision was entirely in the hands of the Malinau Regency Government as the owner and grantor of the Hangar rental permit.

"Regarding all transactions and negotiations, the decisions are 100% owned by the Regency Government and we are a passive party", he said in Jakarta, Monday, February 7.

Regarding the handover of the hangar, which is still hampered, Pongky handed over all these matters to the local government to settle all matters with the previous tenants before being handed over to Smart Aviation.

"We will only follow the local government's directions. Where the earth is stepped on, there the sky is upheld", he added.

On the other hand, in addition to obtaining a hangar rental permit, his party also has a certificate from the Aircraft Maintenance Organization (AMO) to carry out maintenance for aircraft in the Malinau hangar.

"We also allow aircraft from other operators to use our services in performing aircraft maintenance", he said.

Director of Smart Aviation, Winarso added, his party is now the official tenant of the Malinau hangar from January 1 to December 31, 2022.

"We have gone through a long process. We have submitted a proposal and it has been approved by the regional government, so we have officially obtained the rental permit", concluded Winarso.