Controlling Oil Land In The Region, Riau Governor Asks Pertamina To Build A Campus

PEKANBARU - Riau Governor Syamsuar asked Pertamina to establish a polytechnic college in Dumai, so that the younger generation has knowledge and skills in the energy or oil sector.

"This demand can naturally be realized, especially until now about 42 percent of national oil production still comes from Riau Province. In fact, Riau is one of the regions that contribute the biggest contribution to the country's foreign exchange," he said in an electronic letter conveyed by Riau Diskominfotik received in Pekanbaru, Thursday 3 February.

Syamsuar, when he was the main speaker at the 6th Anniversary of Pertamina University (UP), in Jakarta, said that most of the oil wells in Riau are managed and controlled by PT Pertamina. Also signed an agreement related to cooperation in the field of education between the Governor of Riau and the Chancellor of Pertamina University, Prof. IGN Wiratmaja Puja, Ph.D.

Therefore, he said, it was very natural for Pertamina to pay more attention to the development of the Lancang Kuning country.

"Pertamina is in almost 12 regencies/cities in Riau. There are in Bengkalis, Siak, Rohul, Rohil, Kampar, Inhu and Pelalawan. The oil port is also in Dumai, the office is in Pekanbaru," he said, quoted by Antara.

So, firmly Syamsuar, if Pertamina only uses Riau as an object to seek profit, without leaving a good legacy for the people of Riau, of course it is too much.

"We certainly don't want to be spectators in our own village. Riau's children as an inseparable part of this nation must also be the subject of development. They must also be the best," he said.

Syamsuar said that Pertamina through Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) which manages the Rokan Block will drill 500 new oil wells in Riau or the most in Indonesia. Meanwhile, based on information, the number of PHR workers who come from Riau teak children is only 5 percent, and how few Riau children are in this PHR.

Syamsuar said that he just found out about Pertamina University, which focuses on building human resources (HR), especially in the energy sector.

"To be honest, I just found out about Pertamina University. We really hope that Riau's children can also get an education here with a scholarship from Pertamina. At least 50 people a year," said Syamsuar, who appeared in a Telingkai Pucuk Bintang Beralih patterned batik, produced by Thiffa Qaisty that.

"As President Jokowi's priority is to build human resources, we in Riau do the same. Natural resources may run out, but human resources will continue to be useful. That's why we really support this collaboration," said Syamsuar while mentioning that currently, many Riau youths have good competence and qualifications. They mostly work in foreign oil and gas companies.

He also admitted that he just found out about the work of the Pertamina Foundation (PF) which has been providing CSR assistance to the community.

"At this opportunity, we really hope that the Pertamina Foundation will provide its CSR for the progress of Riau Province," Syamsuar hoped while mentioning that so far he was more familiar with the Tanoto Foundation (April Group) which often helps the people of Riau.

Riau, said Syamsuar again, is not only rich in oil and gas, but also has the largest oil palm plantation in Indonesia. Including coconut and sago. There are more than 4.1 million hectares of oil palm plantations, 400 thousand hectares of coconut and sago plants with the best quality in Riau.

"Unfortunately, we have not been able to develop its downstream. Compared to Malaysia, we have lost. Malaysia has been able to make up to 100 derivatives. We have not even 50," he said.

Syamsuar said that the Indonesian people are actually capable and will not lose to neighboring Malaysia, as long as they are able to prepare qualified and qualified human resources in their fields.

Meanwhile, UP Chancellor Wiratmaja said that UP was determined to become an international-class university. "I also thank you for the cooperation that has been signed with the Governor of Riau," he said.

Present to accompany the Governor of Riau, Head of Education Office of Riau Province Kamsol, member of Commission I DPRD Riau Agus Triansyah and member of Commission V DPRD Riau Muhammad Aulia. Virtually the President Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati, was also present with the board of directors.