Edy Mulyadi Absentee From Investigation, Kabareskrim: Just Send A Second Call With An Order To Bring

JAKARTA - The Directorate of Cyber Crime, Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, will send a second summons to Edy Mulyadi regarding the alleged case of hate speech in Kalimantan where the genie dumped a child. The second call will include a carry command.

"Earlier, the coordination with the Dirsiber was enough for a second call with an order to bring it," said the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto, when confirmed, Friday, January 28.

However, regarding the time of the second summons for Edy Mulyadi, the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit did not mention it. Komjen Agus only emphasized that the legal process carried out by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police investigators was by the rules.

Including when it was mentioned about the rules in the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) regarding orders to bring which can be done on the third summons.

"Investigators have a mechanism," he said.

According to Komjen Agus, if Edy Mulyadi feels that the mechanism carried out by the Bareskrim investigator violates the rules, then Edy is invited to take legal action.

"If it doesn't fit, please just take the pretrial route," said Komjen Agus.

Edy Mulyadi was not present at the summons for questioning because the summons lawyer was not by the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) rules. Lawyers also requested that the Press Law be enforced as Edy Mulyadi is said to be speaking on behalf of senior journalists.

Edy Mulyadi is suspected of insulting all Kalimantan residents because of his statement about the 'place for the genie to dump children'.

There was a commotion. Kalimantan residents voiced their protest against Edy Mulyadi.

After the crowd, the secretary-general of the National Movement to Guard Fatwa (GNPF) Ulama also straightened the context of the sentence. According to him, the term is commonly used by residents of Jakarta to describe a remote location.