Company Owned By Conglomerate Bachtiar Karim Conducts Market Operation In East Kotawaringin, Central Kalimantan, IDR 14,000 Cooking Oil Invaded By Residents

JAKARTA - The cooking oil market operation held by a large private palm oil plantation company owned by conglomerate Bachtiar Karim, Musim Mas Group in collaboration with the East Kotawaringin Regency Government, Central Kalimantan was immediately attacked by residents who wanted to get cooking oil at low prices.

"The local government is grateful to the Musim Mas Group, one of which is today through its subsidiary PT Sukajadi Sawit Mekar which is holding this cooking oil market operation. This is very helpful for residents around the company's work area and the East Kotawaringin community in general," said the Assistant for Economic Administration. and Development of the East Kotawaringin Regional Secretariat, Alang Arianto in Sampit, quoted from Antara, Monday, January 24.

Alang representing the Regent of Halikinnor monitors the operation of the cooking oil market which is being carried out at the traditional market at the intersection of Karnai, Telawang District. Also present were the Head of the Trade and Industry Service, Zulhaidir, the Head of the Telawang Siagano Sub-district along with elements of the local District Leadership Coordination Forum.

Currently, the price of cooking oil in the market ranges from IDR 18,000 to IDR 20,000 per liter. There is modern retail that sells IDR 14,000 per liter but the stock is empty.

In this market operation initiated by Musim Mas Group with the East Kotawaringin Trade and Industry Office, the price of cooking oil is sold according to the Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number Permendag 03 of 2022, which is IDR 14,000 liters.

The local government appreciates the Musim Mas Group and its three subsidiaries, namely PT Sukajadi Sawit, PT Maju Aneka Sawit, and PT Globalindo Alam Perkasa for their quick response to soaring cooking oil prices by holding market operations to ease the burden on the community.

"East Kotawaringin has the largest oil palm plantation and there are factories. So it is very ironic that there is a shortage of cooking oil like in other areas. We really appreciate the Musim Mas Group for moving quickly to help overcome the current situation," said Alang Arianto.

A similar appreciation was also conveyed by the Head of the East Kotawaringin Trade and Industry Service, Zulhaidir. He appreciated Musim Mas Group's concern for helping the community currently facing difficulties, particularly related to the soaring price of cooking oil.

He hopes that market operations with an allocation of 72,000 liters of cooking oil prepared by the Musim Mas Group will have a major impact on efforts to control cooking oil prices in this area. The local government hopes that cooking oil prices will stabilize soon.

"We really appreciate the initiative from the Musim Mas Group which is moving quickly to carry out this market operation. Moreover, its activities are in collaboration with our local government so that it can be directed so that the distribution is right on target," said Zulhaidir.

Damang Telawang Yustinus and the village head of Causei Dematius also gave support. They expressed their gratitude because this market operation really helped ease the burden on the community in meeting basic needs.

Senior Manager of Musim Mas Group for the Central Kalimantan Region, Teuku Kanna explained, as much as 72,000 liters of cooking oil were distributed in stages starting Saturday (22/1) yesterday through three Musim Mas Group subsidiaries, namely PT Sukajadi Sawit Mekar, PT Maju Aneka Sawit, and PT Globalindo Alam Perkasa.

After yesterday the operation of the cooking oil market was started at the traditional market of Penyang Village by PT Maju Aneka Sawit, today the market operation is carried out by PT Sukajadi Sawit Mekar at the intersection of Karnai traditional market, Telawang district.

It is hoped that the 72,000 liters of cooking oil will be completely distributed as an effort to control the price of cooking oil so that it returns to stability. Each company is allocated 24,000 liters of cooking oil.

PT Sukajadi Sawit Mekar held market operations in Telawang and surrounding areas, PT Maju Aneka Sawit held market operations in Kota Besi and Telawang sub-districts around their company and PT Globalindo Alam Perkasa held cooking oil market operations in North Mentaya Hilir District.

"Each company will distribute cooking oil to traditional markets in the sub-district and directly to surrounding villages to make it easier for the community to reach the cheap cooking oil," Kanna hoped.

Kanna added the market operation by Musim Mas Group is also in accordance with the call from the Central Kalimantan Indonesian Palm Oil Association (Gapki) to assist the Indonesian government in controlling the spike in cooking oil prices for household or community needs, micro and small businesses, both premium or simple packaged cooking oil.

The selling price is set at IDR 14,000/liter with a subsidy program for the next six months starting January 19, 2022, according to the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 03 of 2022.