Revealed, Geological Agency Reveals Facts Related To New IKN: Located On The Fault

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources through the Geological Agency revealed several geological findings of the new candidate for the State Capital (IKN) located in East Kalimantan Province, precisely between North Penajam Paser and Kutai Kartanegara.

Head of the Geological Agency, Eko Budi Lelono, said that his party had conducted a study related to geological conditions, both in terms of resources and potential disasters.

"In terms of resources, there is sufficient groundwater potential and we are still studying it", said Eko in a virtual press conference explaining the performance of the Geological Agency in 2021, Friday, January 21.

Meanwhile, in terms of disaster potential, he revealed that the Kalimantan area is relatively stable, and seismic vibrations are rarely found, but several faults have been recorded.

"We are still seeing whether the fault is disturbing or not", he added.

All the results of the proposal, he continued, have been submitted to the National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) for further action.

Another fact that has been revealed is that there is a potential source of coal around the new area of the future capital city of this country. Until now, Eko admitted that his party was mapping the distribution of coal sources to see the level of safety.

"There are already areas where there are sources of coal and we have submitted them to BAPPENAS so that we can use them as a reference in the future. We have investigated this IKN before 2021", he concluded.