Lots Of Data Leaks, Kominfo Supervises Electronic System Operators

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) said it would continue to monitor the electronic system (PSE) operators, responding to the recent hacking case that happened to Bank Indonesia. protect the personal data it manages by taking into account the feasibility and reliability of the personal data processing system, both in terms of technology, governance, and human resources," said Kominfo spokesperson, Dedy Permadi, quoted by Antara, Friday, June 21.

Bank Indonesia, Thursday, January 20, said it was implementing mitigation protocols after the hacking attempt, which occurred last month. The mitigation they are currently doing is in the form of formulating stricter cyber security standards and policies and coordinating with various parties to anticipate repeated hacks. Kominfo appreciates BI's efforts to coordinate with the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) for system verification, recovery, audit and mitigation. the central bank after the hacking attempt. Along with this case, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics encourages electronic system operators who experience security problems to report to the BSSN, the party in charge of cybersecurity matters. security disturbances in the electronic system to be able to coordinate with BSSN as the authorized institution to recommend the implementation of cyber security techniques, implement cyber technical provisions, and other related authorities regulated by laws and regulations," said Dedy. Information on social media, which stated that the central bank was one of the targets of the Conti.Conti ransomware hacker group, in the upload, included Bank Indonesia in their victim list and included an attachment in the form of a data file of 487.09MB. The Indonesian National Police stated that they had communicated with BI to follow up on this case.