PAN Faction Asks Jokowi Not To Choose A Troubled Head Of Authority And Affiliated To Political Parties

JAKARTA - Member of the Special Committee for the Draft Bill on the State Capital (IKN), Guspardi Gaus, emphasized that the appointment of the Head of the National Capital Authority of the Archipelago is the authority of President Joko Widodo.

However, he suggested that President Jokowi appoint a truly professional Head of Authority. Not a person affiliated with a political party.

"I ask that the person chosen and appointed by the President must be a professional person, who has integrity, capability and is not affiliated with any political party," said Guspardi to VOI, Friday, January 21.

This member of Commission II of the DPR explained that the reason the Head of the Authority was not from a political party was that the position was appointed directly by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, and was not elected by the people through the Election (Pilkada). So that the position is directly responsible to the head of state.

"So the Head of the Authority is an appointment. If he is a person chosen by the people, then feel free to fight because it is the will and desire of the people," he said.

The PAN politician explained that the Head of the Authority was appointed the same way as Acting Governors, Regents, Mayors whose terms of office had expired and were appointed and elected. Because it is not the people's aspiration, said Guspardi, so it should be avoided and away from things from any political party affiliation.

"So they must be professional and understand their duties", he stressed. The West Sumatra legislator also hopes that the Head of the Authority chosen by President Jokowi is not someone who has had problems with legal cases in the past.

"In order not to cause noise, choose people to lead the IKN Authority, not people who have problems, both legal issues, integrity, morals and so on," said Guspardi.

"So President Jokowi must pay attention to this in choosing," he appealed again. Therefore, Guspardi hopes that President Jokowi can consider his proposal. Because he doesn't want the appointment of the Head of Authority from a political party to later create a new polemic.

"After all, we want a peaceful development, because after all this IKN Bill still has pros and cons, so there should be no more government policies that cause pros and cons," concluded the member of the Legislative Council of the Republic of Indonesia. Head of the authorities in line with the enactment of the State Capital Law (UU IKN), including the former Minister of Research and Technology (Menristek) Bambang Brodjonegoro, former President Director of Wijaya Karya (WIKA) Tumiyana, Government Goods/Services Procurement (LKPP) Azwar Anas, as well as PT Pertamina (Persero) President Commissioner Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (BTP) or Ahok.