The Surabaya District Court Judge Arrested By KPK Has IDR 2.12 Billion Of Assets
SURABAYA - Surabaya District Court (PN) judge Itong Isnaeni Hidayat (IIH) who has been named a suspect by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has a total asset of IDR 2,174,542,499.00.
Distribution of the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN) from accessed on Friday, The last report reports his wealth on January 12, 2021, for the 2020 periodic report.
The data on his assets consist of one land and building located in Surakarta and one land in Boyolali with a total value of IDR,00.
Furthermore, Itong is also recorded as having 1 unit of Toyota Innova in 2017 worth IDR 160 million, other movable assets worth IDR 22.5 million, and cash and cash equivalents worth IDR 962,042,499.00.
Thus, his total wealth is IDR 2,174,542,499.00.
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named Itong and a substitute clerk at the Surabaya District Court Hamdan (HD) as suspected recipients of the alleged bribery case in the Surabaya District Court, East Java.
Meanwhile, the alleged giver is a lawyer and attorney from PT Soyu Giri Primedika (SGP) Hendro Kasiono (HK).
In the construction of the case, the KPK explained that Itong as the sole judge at the Surabaya District Court tried one of the petition cases related to the dissolution of PT SGP.
"As for the lawyer and representing PT SGP, suspect HK is suspected of having an agreement between HK and PT SGP representatives to prepare a sum of money to be given to the judge who handled the case," said KPK Deputy Chairman Nawawi Pomolango during a press conference at the KPK Building, Jakarta, Friday morning.
The KPK suspects that the money prepared to handle this case is around IDR 1.3 billion, starting from the level of the decision of the district court to the level of the decision of the Supreme Court.
"As an initial step in realizing the IDR 1.3 billion money, suspect HK met with suspect HD as a substitute clerk at the Surabaya District Court and asked the judge handling his case to decide according to the wishes of suspect HK," said Nawawi.
To ensure that the trial process goes as expected, suspect Hendro is alleged to have communicated several times, including by telephone with Hamdan, using the term "tribute" to disguise the purpose of giving the money.
"Every communication result between suspect HK and suspect HD is allegedly always reported by suspect HD to suspect IIH," said Nawawi.
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) stated that Hendro wants PT SGP to be disbanded with a divisible asset value of IDR 50 billion.
"Suspect HD then conveyed the wishes of suspect HK to suspect IIH and suspect IIH said he was willing to pay a sum of money," he said.
In January 2022, Itong informed and confirmed that the request could be granted and asked Hamdan to convey to Hendro to realize the amount of money that had been promised earlier.
"Suspect HD immediately submitted the request for suspect IIH to suspect HK and on January 19, 2022, the money was then handed over by suspect HK to suspect HD in the amount of IDR 140 million which was intended for suspect IIH," said Nawawi.
The KPK also suspects that Itong received other gifts from the litigants at the Surabaya District Court and the investigation team will investigate this further.