Receive CSFA Certificate From BPK, National Police Chief Wants Police Personnel To Have Auditor Ability

JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, wants all his staff to have the ability to audit case handling. The audit includes state or regional financial losses.

The statement was made after holding a hearing with the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) at the National Police Headquarters, South Jakarta, Tuesday, January 18. In the hearing, BPK also presented the Certified State Finance Auditor (CSFA) professional certification to the National Police Chief.

"In principle, our members are given the ability to act as auditors, so we will understand later and we need that when there is supervision", said Sigit, quoted from a written statement by the Police Public Relations Division.

To realize his wish, Sigit asked the BPK to organize training related to audit capabilities for National Police personnel. Thus, all ranks of the Bhayangkara Corps can identify them early in the law enforcement process.

"It is very important for us to understand how we can audit, that way we can give warnings to it", said Sigit.

Meanwhile, BPK Deputy Chairman Agus Joko Pramono added that his visit to the National Police Headquarters was aimed at providing a Certified State Finance Auditor (CSFA) professional certificate.

The certificate is a sign for the state financial examiners so that professionalism of the state financial examiners is marked by the provision of a professional state financial examiner certificate.

"We came here to hand over the CSFA certificate to the National Police Chief", said Agus.

Agus said, the purpose of the CSFA professional certification is to maintain and improve the competence of a state financial examiner, as well as a requirement to sign the State Financial Examination Report (LHP), which includes the examination of Financial Statements (LK), performance examination, and Examination with Specific Purposes. (PDT).

Meanwhile, Chairman of the State Audit Institute (IPKN) Bahrullah Akbar said the CSFA certificate is a follow-up to the ASN (State Civil Apparatus) Law so that state financial examiners have a certificate.

"Regarding the audit of state finances, especially APH, the KPK must have a common perception with the BPK. In the future, we hope that we will have a common perception of how BPK conducts audits, especially Irwasum related to audits", said Bahrullah.