Less Than A Year, The Uniform Of A Security Guard That Looks Like A Police Will Be Changed

JAKARTA - The Security Unit (Satpam) again had to change its uniform. Where, the change was for various reasons.
The police are currently working on regulations regarding the change. So, if the rule is passed, it means that the security guard uniform has changed twice.
White-Dark Blue
Initially, the uniform of the security guard was white combined with dark blue. However, over time the uniform changed.
The National Police changed the color of the security guard uniform to brown in September 2020. This change is contained in the Indonesian National Police Regulation (Perpol) Number 4 of 2020 concerning Self-Reliance Security. Its implementation is carried out a year after this rule comes out, or in 2021.
In fact, in that regulation, the security guard has a rank. Where, affects the career path.
Changes to brown because the color is considered neutral. Moreover, brown is synonymous with the colors of the earth elements, such as earth, wood, and stone.
Change Again
In less than a year, the uniform of the security guard will change again. The National Police stated that the regulations related to the changes were still under review.
The Head of Public Information of the National Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, stated that the plan is that the uniform, which is currently brown, will be changed to beige.
"Still in the process of reviewing the color of the light brown shirt, it will change to beige," said Ramadhan, Wednesday, January 12.
The reason behind the color change is that people find it difficult to distinguish between police and security guards. Indeed, the uniforms of the two are almost the same.
"The current uniform is too similar to the police uniform. This causes confusion and difficulties for the community to distinguish between police and security guards," said Ramadhan.
In addition, continued Ramadhan, security guards must have their own identity. This is because the security guard is the bearer of limited police duties.
"Security is a new profession as the bearer of a limited police function, it needs to have its own identity that is different from the National Police as its supervisor," he said.
However, the change in security guard uniforms is not entirely. That is, only the clothes will be beige.
"Now, what will be studied is the clothes, the clothes are planned to be changed to a lighter color than the clothes of members of the Police," said Ramadhan.
Procurement Process
However, in the process of procuring the new uniforms, the National Police will not be involved in the procurement. This is because the procurement affairs are left entirely to the security guard and the company where they work.
"That will be (procurement, ed) between the security guard and his place of work," said Ramadhan.
In the process of changing uniforms, the Police are only involved in reviewing the rules because the Police are the supervisors for security guards.
"We don't interfere with the security guard's clothes. We just give the rules for the uniforms," said Ramadhan.
On the other hand, Ramadhan also emphasized that security guards are not included in the National Police organization. Although, the Bhayangkara Corps has a position as a builder.
"The security guard is not a structure under the police. There are users who need security guards, so we don't charge because it's the users who use them," he said.