Denying The Issue Of Forced Vaccination At The Jayawijaya Police Headquarters, Regent Ensures Vaccination For Residents Is Not Forced

WAMENA - Jayawijaya Regent, Papua Jhon Richard Banua ensured that the COVID-19 vaccination for residents in the region was not forced.

Regent Jhon Richard said previously there were rumors that vaccinations carried out at the Jayawijaya Police Headquarters Clinic were forced.

"What was carried out at the Polres clinic was in accordance with the procedure, so the issue of being called coercion does not exist and is not true," he said in Wamena, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 12.

The Regent admitted that he had directly monitored the vaccination sites and that the implementation was carried out without coercion.

From the very beginning, there was a plan to carry out vaccinations in this district, said Jhon, medical officers were required to check the health of prospective vaccine recipients.

"So, there is a doctor's examination before being vaccinated. If you have a congenital disease and it is impossible to be vaccinated, you will not be vaccinated," he said.

In fact, said the regent, if there are citizens who are not ready to be vaccinated, the vaccination will not be carried out to the person concerned or maybe the person is not ready, it is impossible to vaccinate.

Jhon Banua invites the public not to refuse vaccines, because the government aims to protect its citizens from the deadly threat of the COVID-19 virus.