Thrown Into A Detention Cell, Ferdinand Hutahaean Apparently Refused To Be Questioned As A Suspect For This Reason

JAKARTA - The National Police stated that Ferdinand Hutahaean had refused to be questioned as a suspect. Although finally, Ferdinand Hutahaean followed the examination process.

"The person in question refuses to be questioned as a suspect because of his health condition," said Head of Public Information of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan to reporters, Monday, January 10.

Ferdinand's refusal was due to illness. However, when the team of doctors checked his health and declared Ferdinand Hutahaean healthy, the former Democrat politician finally agreed to be questioned as a suspect.

"But at the time of examination, the witness concerned was willing. So when he was declared a suspect, then further investigation was carried out as a suspect," said Ramadhan.

Currently, Ferdinand Hutahaean is being held at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. This detention is of course based on subjective and objective reasons of investigators.

"There are two reasons for the detention by investigators, the first is subjective, it is feared that the person concerned will run away, it is feared that the person concerned will repeat the act again, and it is feared that evidence will be lost," said Ramadhan.

"While the objective reason is that the alleged threat to the FH suspect is more than 5 years old," he continued.

Ferdinand Hutahaean was named a suspect in a case of alleged hate speech with Ethnic, Religion, Race, and Intergroup (SARA) issue. In this case, Ferdinand Hutahaean was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Ferdinand Hutahaean was charged with multiple layers of articles, namely, Article 14 paragraph 1 and 2 of the criminal law regulation of Law number 1 of 1946 and then Article 45 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph (2) of the ITE Law.