2 Days Of Heavy Rain, Dozens Of Residents' Houses On Aceh's Simeulue Island Are Flooded

ACEH - Dozens of houses on Simeulue Island, Simeulue Regency, Aceh have been flooded due to heavy rains in the area for the last two days.

The Acting Chief Executive of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Simeulue Regency, Zulfadli, said that there had been no flow of refugees due to the flood.

"The flooding has occurred because of the high intensity of rain in Simeulue Regency since the last few days. The flood height has reached 70 centimeters", Zulfadli said in Simeulue as reported by Antara on Monday, January 10.

Zulfadli said dozens of houses that were soaked by the flood were scattered in Kampung Aie Village and Lamayang Village, Central Simeulue District. Then, in Sibulu Village, Simeulue Cut District and Langi Village, Alafan District. People still survive in their homes, said Zulfadli.

"The Simeulue Regency BPBD team continues to monitor the development of flooding in the field. They are also ready to help the community if there is an evacuation request", said Zulfadli.

In addition to submerging people's houses, said Zulfadli, the flood also cut off the road connecting Lala Village and Nasreuhe Village, making it difficult for people to pass through.

"To overcome this road access, the community-made an emergency bridge from boards that can only be passed by two-wheeled vehicles", said Zulfadli.

The public is advised to be wary of aftershocks because of the potential for natural disasters in the island districts to occur at any time, given that heavy rains are predicted to take place in the next week.

"We urge the public to remain vigilant and avoid further flooding because weather conditions have the potential to rain which could inundate residential areas", said Zulfadli.

Simeulue Regency is the outermost archipelago in Aceh Province. Simeulue Island is in the Indian Ocean which is about 180 nautical miles from the west coast of Sumatra Island.

Simeulue Regency is a division of West Aceh Regency since 1999. Simeulue Regency has 10 sub-districts with 138 villages inhabited by around 80 thousand people.