PKS Party Defends The Implementation Of Formula E Which Was Strongly Criticized By PSI Party: DKI Residents Are Smart, Can Tell Which One Is Good Opinion, Which One Is Forced
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the PKS Party Faction of the DKI Regional Representative Council (DPRD) Ismail responded to the action of PSI Party General Chair Giring Ganesha who visited the Ancol area and saw that the location of the circuit was not suitable for Formula E.
Ismail saw that Giring's statement was only a forced opinion. Giring is entitled to an opinion. But, according to Ismail, the public can sort out which judgments are correct and which are mere opinions.
"Currently, the people of DKI are very intelligent, so they can sort out and give an assessment of which opinion is good and which opinion is forced," said Ismail when met at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Friday, January 7.
Ismail emphasized that DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan and his staff did not plan the implementation of Formula E rashly.
Ismail believes that this electric car racing event can bring economic benefits to DKI during the current pandemic, both for regional income and the community's economy.
"We believe that Formula E will be able to become a multiplier effect on the economy, including MSMEs. When you see a certain moment, it can be part of their creativity product," said Ismail.
Previously, Giring Ganesha together with members of the PSI faction of the DKI DPRD Anggara Wicitra Sastroamidjojo, and Chairman of the DKI Jakarta PSI Party Regional Board (DPW) Michael Victor Sianipar reviewed the location of the candidate circuit for the Formula E event.
While walking around, Giring recorded a video showing himself on a stretch of vacant land that will be used as the circuit for the electric car racing event.
From Giring's observation, the location is soft soil partly overgrown with grass. Piles of mangrove roots are also visible at some points. Giring also saw the goats looking for food.
Giring admits that he is surprised that the DKI Provincial Government is still confident that it can hold Formula E. This is because the implementation day is only five months away, while the circuit has not yet been built and the location is considered unsuitable for a racing car track.
"The Formula E project is crazy, isn't it? A very ambitious project. A big budget, using public money, and very short preparation time. I'm not sure that this circuit construction could happen. If it happened, it would have been forced. -Shame on the name of Indonesia, it's in the eyes of the international community," said Giring in a video uploaded to his Twitter account, Wednesday, January 5.