Political Parties That Begin To Resonate And Still Stand About The Candidate For Governor Of DKI 2024

JAKARTA - A number of political parties have started to speak out in looking at attractive figures to be promoted as governor candidates in the 2024 DKI Regional Head Elections (Pilkada). However, there are also parties that are still unmoved.

Starting from the Advisory Council of the Gerindra Party of DKI, Mohamad Taufik, who saw that the process of searching for a candidate for the Governor of DKI had to be moved.

"I personally think that it is necessary to make an inventory of the figures who will lead Jakarta. I will suggest to the DPD as soon as possible," said Taufik on Tuesday, January 4.

Taufik mentioned a number of names, including the former Mayor of South Tangerang, Airin Rachmi Diany; DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan; Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria; to the Minister of Investment Bahlil Lahadalia.

"There is Mr. Deputy Governor, who has been Deputy Governor. Mr. Anies may still have a chance. There are other figures like Airin who I think have succeeded in leading South Tangerang. There are others, for example, Brother Bahlil," he explained.

Not to be outdone, PSI DPP Spokesperson Rian Ernest admitted that his party will nominate its cadres to participate in the 2024 DKI Pilkada contestation. He considers PSI cadres to have the capability as a candidate for DKI Governor.

"Towards 2024, we won't bother looking out, because PSI cadres are also qualified for the governor's position. We'll see. 2024 is still far away," said Rian, Wednesday, January 5.

However, Rian is still reluctant to reveal which name they will win. "There are many candidates. Wait for the game date," he said.

Likewise with the Nasdem Party. The chairman of the Nasdem Faction of the DKI DPRD, Wibi Andrino, admitted that his party opened the opportunity to nominate Ahmad Sahroni as a candidate for the Governor of DKI Jakarta in the 2024 DKI Pilkada.

Currently, Ahmad Sahroni serves as General Treasurer of the Nasdem Party DPP, Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR RI, and was recently lined up as chairman of the Formula E executive committee.

"God willing, Sahroni will be supported as a candidate for governor of DKI. We from DKI Jakarta also consider the figure of Ahmad Sahroni as one who has high electoral and capability in Jakarta," said Sahroni.

However, a different view came from the PDIP. Secretary-General of the DPP PDIP, Hasto Kristiyanto, admitted that his party did not want to be in a hurry to talk about the candidate for regional head that would be carried by the bull party in 2024 DKI Jakarta Pilkada.

His party does have a clear attitude regarding the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada, including regarding DKI Jakarta. However, he said, PDIP is currently working hard to win the 2024 general election with more involvement in the community.

Because according to him, the new Pilkada will be held at the end of 2024. First, the legislative elections (Pileg) and presidential elections (Pilpres). "The simultaneous local elections are still in 2024, after the legislative and presidential elections," said Hasto.

In line with PDIP, PKB also doesn't want to talk about not thinking about who the figures will be in the 2024 DKI Pilkada.

The chairman of the DKI PKB DPW, Hasbiallah Ilyas, stated that his party is still focused on welcoming the plan to nominate its general chairman, Muhaimin Iskandar, to run as a presidential candidate in the 2014 presidential election.

"We haven't thought about the Pilkada yet, it's still a long time. PKB DKI is now focusing on working directly with the community to socialize our General Chairman to become a presidential candidate in 2024. So, our job is no longer to talk about Pilkada in DKI. We focus on socializing Mr. Muhaimin as a presidential candidate for 2024," explained Hasbiallah.