2 Days Before Being Arrested By The Corruption Eradication Commission, Bekasi Mayor Went To Bantargebang And Talked About Equitable Development

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has just arrested the Mayor of Bekasi, Rahmat Effendi, or commonly known as Kang Pepen, Wednesday, January 5. Two days earlier, Rahmat Effendi had visited Bantargebang and talked about equitable development.

There, the number one person in Bekasi is to ensure that development in the Bantargebang area runs optimally and has benefits for the people of Bekasi City, especially the people of the Bantargebang area.

The presence of the Mayor was accompanied by the Head of the Related OPD, the Bantargebang Sub-district Warsim, the ranks of the Lurah in the Bantargebang District, and Community Leaders in the Bantargebang District.

There are several locations that are directly reviewed by the Mayor. Starting from the Artesian Well next to the Sumurbatu area, the Catfish Pond Development Plan in RW 001 Sumurbatu Village, the Integrated Public School at RT 002/003 Cikiwul Village, the Water Folder Development Plan in RW 004 Cikiwul Village, the Multipurpose Building Construction Plan at the Ar-Ramdhan Mosque Rt 002/005 Cikiwul Village, Relocation of the Napoleonic Volleyball Field and Expansion of the Al-Jihad Mosque located in the Ciketingudik Sub-District Complex, Jalan PP Crossing Bridge RT 003/003 and RT 003/002 Ciketingudik Village.

"Seeing firsthand several locations in the Bantargebang area, ensures that development can be evenly and optimally," explained the Mayor of Bekasi as quoted from the Bekasi City Government, Monday, January 3.

Rahmat continued, “I want the construction to be felt directly by the people of Bantargebang. I am optimistic, the important thing is that all the intentions are the same to be able to have value for the community and of course, this must be a shared commitment," he said. Rahmat said development planning in the Bantargebang Region focuses on various aspects of education, welfare, and public health.

"Of course, this development plan has its own focus, including aspects of improving education, welfare, and public health," he concluded.

The Mayor of Bekasi, Rahmat Effendi, was caught in a hand arrest operation (OTT) by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

Pepen, as Rahmat Effendi is called, has served as Mayor of Bekasi since May 3, 2012, replacing Mochtar Mohamad, who was involved in corruption problems.

The man who was born on February 3, 1964, was re-elected in the regional election and became mayor of the 2013-2018 and 2018-2023 periods.

In the 2013-2018 period, Rahmat was accompanied by Akhmad Syaikhu. Then, the 2018-2023 period was accompanied by Tri Adhianto Tjahyono.

Rahmat is an official from the Golkar Party and is currently the chairman of the Golkar DPD in Bekasi City.