TikTok Brings Twitter's Retweet Feature With The Nickname Repost

JAKARTA - TikTok has brought Twitter's Retweet feature to its app. Nicknamed the Repost feature, it allows users to share a video with their followers.

Since it's still in the early testing stages, this new feature is still limited for some people. Only selected users can try out the Repost feature.

"Right now, we're experimenting with new ways for people to share the TikTok videos they love," said a TikTok spokesperson.

The feature appears as a yellow "Repost" button next to the app's other sharing features. According to a TechCrunch report, Wednesday, January 5, unlike Twitter, reposting videos won't appear on users' profiles, but they will be uploaded to friends' For You feeds.

Not only that, but users can also add a short comment that will be embedded in the video, so that others can see the reason why the user re-uploaded the video.

This new feature is a way to increase the visibility of videos that users have algorithmically recommended and now want more people to see.

However, it does not require users to create their own videos. They just need to repost the videos they find interesting with the Repost feature. This provides an easy way for users to engage with TikTok videos, and by re-sharing them can encourage more passive users to participate on the platform.

Finally, if users change their minds about changing the Repost video, they can click the Share menu and then select Remove Repost. This will also delete any messages that have been added.