Maintaining The Fertility Of 40-Year-Old Women, Do These 5 Healthy Habits

JAKARTA – The production of egg cells in women decreases with age. During the fertile period, eggs are produced. For those of you who are planning to have children, you need to know when the time is right for the fertilization process by calculating the menstrual cycle calendar until the fertile period cycle.

In women aged 40 years and over, egg production decreases. Reported by The Fertility Institute, Monday, January 3, quality and quantity will decrease at the age of 40 years. The younger the egg, the less likely it is to carry abnormalities and prevent it from developing into a healthy embryo.

If you are 40 years old and planning a pregnancy, it may take some hard work but a healthy pregnancy is something that is possible. The best way to deal with age-related decline, women can try natural ways of preparing for conception such as the following.

1. Eat healthy food

Egg health can be obtained with a nutrient-rich diet. Such as adding superfoods to the daily menu, including spirulina, green tea, royal jelly, foods containing antioxidants, and folic acid to get healthy eggs.

2. Exercise regularly

Around the age of 37-40 years, the number of eggs decreases drastically. You can get pregnant naturally or without IVF but you should focus on keeping your eggs healthy for at least 3 months before conception. Expert recommendations, women need to exercise regularly to get rid of toxins, especially xenohormones that cause hormonal imbalances through the endocrine system.

3. Strengthen the uterus and pelvic muscles

To strengthen your uterus and pelvic muscles during labor, start a fertility yoga program and Kegel exercises. Kegel exercises can increase and maintain the strength of the pelvic floor muscles and uterus.

4. Manage stress

The older you get, the more responsibilities and tasks you need to complete. It also needs to be managed so that it doesn't make you feel stressed or depressed which has an effect on fertility. So practice mindfulness techniques and other ways to manage stress so that you have a greater chance of getting pregnant.

5. Supports cervical mucus production

Cervical mucus naturally decreases following hormonal changes. When cervical fluid decreases, it becomes harder for sperm to reach the egg waiting to be fertilized. To support the production of cervical mucus, it is enough to drink mineral water and consume essential fatty acids that contain omega.

Ovulation or fertile period occurs for 24 hours, but the opportunity to get pregnant also occurs 3 days before ovulation and 2 days after ovulation. A study published in the Fertility and Sterility Journal found that women aged 35 to 40 who had sex during their most fertile period had a 78 percent chance of getting pregnant. This opportunity is not much different for women between the ages of 20-34 years, namely 84 percent.

In addition to following the tips above, you and your partner need to consult and do a complete hormone test to determine which hormone levels need to be increased to have a successful pregnancy.