Gunadarma University Built In Agung Podomoro Property Area Owned By Conglomerate Trihatma Haliman: 2 Hectare Area, Accommodates 10,000 Students

JAKARTA - The property developer belonging to the conglomerate Trihatma Haliman, PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk (APLN) through Podomoro Golf View carried out the handover of land and the signing of the Sale and Purchase Deed (AJB) Gunadarma University in the Podomoro Golf View area. This collaboration is Podomoro Golf View's high commitment in realizing the area as an international New Education Destination.

Marketing Director Agung Podomoro Agung Wirajaya said both companies and universities have the same commitment and mission in supporting the improvement of human resources through education.

"We are grateful for the trust of Gunadarma University for this good collaboration and cooperation opportunity. We fully support the development of education in every Agung Podomoro property project because we believe that quality education is a community need that must be met," he said in a press release, quoted on Monday. January 3rd.

As is known, Gunadarma University is an educational institution with excellent accreditation with an A (excellent) rating. For this reason, its presence in the Podomoro Golf View area will provide benefits for residents and the community.

"We hope that Podomoro Golf View and Gunadarma University can continue to work together to build a great generation of Indonesians in the future, so that this area can become a new education destination on an international scale," he explained.

Assistant Vice President (AVP) Marketing for Podomoro Golf View, Rubby I Widjaja, said Podomoro Golf View welcomed the presence of Gunadarma University, which will make the area more complete and more exclusive.

Podomoro Golf View is a property area with a one-stop living concept, an integrated residence with a superblock building where residents can carry out all activities in the same area, including educational activities.

"The development of Gunadarma University in the Podomoro Golf View area further complements the various superior facilities in this area. With the presence of Gunadarma University, it will make it easier for residents and local residents to access educational facilities more easily and affordably," he said.

The opening of a new campus at Podomoro Golf View is a long-term projection from the developer that has been carefully considered to meet the needs of residents in particular, and society in general. Gunadarma University will start construction in mid-2022, and the construction process is predicted to be completed by the end of 2023.

In addition to being an educational destination, campus development in residential areas is also more profitable for students and lecturers because around the campus there are already available housing with various choices, ranging from landed houses and apartments.

"Podomoro Golf View has exclusive apartments for consumers, especially parents who want to prepare the best housing to support their sons and daughters to focus on learning activities. For example, the complete facilities at Tower Ekki, namely a co-working space and entertainment lounge will make it easier for students to do college assignments and encourage their thinking power to be more creative,” said Rubby.

Gunadarma University Chancellor ES Margianti believes that the construction of a campus at Podomoro Golf View is a long-standing plan to open educational facilities that are accessible to everyone. Margianti said that the Gunadarma University campus at Podomoro Golf View will be built on an area of 2 hectares with a modern classing building concept with 20 floors.

"The plan is that the building will consist of four towers that can accommodate 10,000 students," he said.

The university building will be equipped with supporting facilities for the convenience of students, such as an internet lounge, auditorium, student center, amphitheater, and laboratory.

"The synergy between Gunadarma University and Podomoro Golf View is a very good step. The presence of an education center will also have an impact on the lives of the surrounding community, because the University will also definitely carry out the Tri Dharma of higher education, one of which is community service," he said.