Canceling Premium And Pertalite Abolition, DPR: The Root Of The Problem Is Air Pollution, Not Fuel

JAKARTA - Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) has asked the Government, particularly the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and Pertamina to cancel the plan to phase out premium and pertalite types of fuel oil (BBM). This policy is considered inappropriate when the economic conditions of most people are still slumped due to the pandemic.

Member of Commission VI DPR RI from the PKS faction Amin Ak, assessed that if the abolition was to divert environmentally friendly fuel, Pertamina could increase its octane number from 90 to 91 according to the ideal fuel threshold according to Euro4 standards. So that the price is still below the price of the Pertamax type, so that it is more affordable for the lower middle class.

“But actually, the root of the problem is not just the type of fuel. If you want to reduce air pollution, improve public transportation to make it comfortable and safe. So the use of private vehicles will be much reduced,” Amin told reporters, Thursday, December 30.

Furthermore, Amin revealed that based on the proportion of fuel consumption by type, the current premium consumption is not much and is indeed used by certain groups of people who can only afford cheap fuel. Such as motorcycle taxi drivers, city transportation drivers, and micro-scale business groups that are recovering their businesses.

"Even if there is misuse of usage by consumers outside the lower group, then what must be done is strict regulation and supervision. Not completely eradicating, because the availability is still needed by the community," said the PKS Party politician.

After all, said Amin, the level of consumption of premium gasoline so far is not large. Based on Pertamina's data in 2020, he explained, nationally the average consumption was only 23.9 thousand kiloliters per day. Likewise for the type of pertalite.

Amin also asked the government to prove that the campaign for comfortable public transportation and the use of electric vehicles which are claimed to be more environmentally friendly are really serious, not lip services. In addition, according to him, the government must also create a climate that makes people switch to using electric vehicles, both two-wheeled and four-wheeled.

"If you want to reduce environmental pollution, it should solve the root of the problem, not a patchwork policy," he stressed.

Amin added, it is also important for the government to provide adequate public transportation services that are connected to industrial and office areas. This is to encourage people to use mass transportation in droves.

Amin said, high air pollution is not only caused by the transportation sector. However, the current industrial and power generation sectors are still far from being environmentally friendly.

“Technologically, there are currently available biomass power plants that utilize biomass waste. Gradually, the Coal Electric steam power plant (PLTU) must utilize co-firing technology by utilizing environmentally friendly and low-cost biomass," he concluded.