Not Passing The Parliamentary Threshold In The SMRC Survey Results, PAN Wasn't Surprised To Be The 'Nasakom Party'

JAKARTA - Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) is not surprised to respond to the survey results released by Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) yesterday, Tuesday, December 28.

In the survey, PAN was placed as a party that did not pass the parliamentary threshold or the 4 percent parliamentary threshold. Because PAN only got 1.8 percent electability in the SMRC survey.

"PAN is not surprised, not panicked, and also not baper (carried by feelings, ed) with the survey results", said Deputy Chairperson of PAN, Viva Yoga Mauladi, to reporters on Wednesday, December 29.

According to him, PAN is used to survey results which always place the party chaired by Zulkifli Hasan below 4 percent.

"From 2004 until 2021, when PAN is surveyed, the electability is always around 1 to 2 percent", said Viva.

In fact, Viva termed PAN as the Nasakom party or the fate of one coma in various survey institutions. Even though PAN has been active on a massive scale.

"Even though PAN is massive in making programs and community activities, when surveyed the results are always constant, becoming the 'Nasakom Party', a party whose fate is only one coma", said Viva.

Previously, the Saiful Muzani Research & Consulting Institute (SMRC) noted that voter support for the NasDem, PPP, and PAN parties was not convincing. This is because public support for the three parties is still below 4 percent or has not met the parliamentary threshold.

SMRC Executive Director, Sirojudin Abbas, said that in this survey, NasDem only received 3.4 percent of public support, 2.7 percent for PPP, and 1.8 percent for PAN.

"These three parties have not experienced significant changes in the last two years," Abbas said in a forum release entitled 'Prospects of Political Parties and Presidential Candidates: Trends in Political Behavior of National Voters' online, Tuesday, December 28.

Meanwhile, in the March 2020 survey, NasDem was supported by 3 percent of voters. "Meanwhile, PPP and PAN got around 2.4 and 2.3 votes", he said.