After Reporting Bahar Bin Smith To Police, Husin Shihab Now Being Reported About Hoaxes

JAKARTA - The Bahar bin Smith group has officially reported back Husin Shihab. He was reported to be related to allegations of spreading false news or hoaxes to the Bogor Resort Police.

In this report, a man named Ali Ridho is the reporting figure. The reason for reporting back Husin was because he had accused Bahar bin Smith of twisting the statement of the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General Dudung Abdurachman.

"Yes, that's right, we reported the person concerned to the Bogor Resort Police," said lawyer Ali Ridho to VOI, Wednesday, December 29.

In addition, the reason for the report was that Husin Shihab's accusations were considered to have caused trouble. The report was registered with the STPP/11/XII/2021/Reskrim number, dated December 28.

Previously, Bahar bin Smith and Eggi Sudjana were reported to Metro Jaya Police. They are suspected of spreading information that is intended to cause hatred or hostility to individuals and groups based on SARA or insults to state authorities.

Reports registered with the number LP/B/6146/XII/2021/SPKT Metro Jaya Police, dated December 7th. Both are suspected of violating Article 28 Paragraph 2 Juncto Article 45A Paragraph 1 of the ITE Law and/or Articles 14 and 15 of the Criminal Code.

It was later revealed that the reason for reporting against the two was because of twisting the statement by the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General Dudung Abdurachman about 'Our God is not an Arab'.