Indonesia Receives 12 Million Doses Of AstraZeneca Vaccine

JAKARTA - The Indonesian government has received around 12 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine in the last two days which were imported through direct purchases.

The arrival of the vaccine took place in two stages, namely stage 180 on Monday, December 27 evening totaling 6,683,500 doses and stage 181 on Tuesday, December 28, totaling 5,787,400 doses.

"This incoming vaccine will soon be distributed to areas in need," said Minister of Communications and Information, Johnny G Plate, quoted by Antara.

Johnny said the government continues to accelerate and expand the implementation of national vaccinations to quickly build herd immunity. Increased protection for vulnerable groups is also carried out by giving boosters, such as for health workers.

The expansion of the target was also carried out by adding children aged 6-11 years into the target. "Vaccination is one of the keys to protecting ourselves and the nation from the threat of COVID-19," he stressed.

The Minister of Communication and Information explained that currently there are eleven types of COVID-19 vaccines that have received emergency use permits from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). All the vaccines that come are part of the effort to fulfill the vaccine needs of the community.

Moreover, he continued, with the increased acceleration and expansion efforts, it is necessary to provide sufficient vaccines. The Indonesian government will continue to strive for the arrival of vaccines, both through bilateral and multilateral channels.

"That's why until now, the government continues to bring in vaccines which mark the consistency of the Indonesian government in its efforts to meet the needs of vaccines for the community," he said.

Regarding the Omicron variant that has been found in Indonesia, Johnny asked the public not to panic. However, he reminded the public to be more vigilant, comply with health protocols and all government advice.

"As directed by President Jokowi, the existence of this Omicron must make us more introspective, vaccinate for those who have not, and continue to maintain health protocols," said the Minister of Communication and Information.