Wins In Survey, SMRC: Public Support For PDIP Strengthens Due To The Influence Of Jokowi And Ganjar

JAKARTA - The survey agency Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) released the results of a survey related to the 2024 General Election. As a result, public support for the Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP) remained in the top position with 25.2 percent of the vote.

This figure makes the white-nosed bull party the only party with electability that surpassed the vote gains in the 2019 election, which was 19.3 percent.

SMRC Executive Director, Sirojudin Abbas, said that public support for PDIP which outperformed other parties could not be separated from the influence of President Joko Widodo and Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo.

"Significant increase in PDIP votes, from 14.03 percent in the 2009 election when Jokowi had not yet appeared in national politics to 19.3 percent in the 2019 election", said Abbas in a forum release entitled 'Prospects of Political Parties and Presidential Candidates: Trends in Voters' Political Behavior National' online, Tuesday, December 28.

"And it tends to stay and even strengthen in the top position, supported by satisfaction with the performance of President Joko Widodo and the public's preference for Ganjar Pranowo as a PDIP cadre", he continued.

Compared to other prominent voters, Abbas said that Jokowi's voters in 2014 were far more likely to vote for PDIP. Voters who are satisfied with President Jokowi's performance after the 2014 election are also far more likely to vote for PDIP than those who are dissatisfied.

Through an experimental survey, explained Abbas, it has proven that without Jokowi in the 2014 election, the PDIP will get less than 14 percent of the votes. A similar thing happened in the 2019 election, Jokowi had a positive and significant influence on the electability of the PDIP.

"Without Jokowi, this party will get fewer votes than the election results, 19.3 percent", said Abbas.

Besides President Jokowi, he continued, PDIP now has a figure favored by voters, namely Ganjar Pranowo. According to Abbas, the strength of the PDIP in recent years cannot be separated from the figure of Ganjar.

He detailed that 46 percent of PDIP voters were in sync with Ganjar Pranowo's voters, and only 10 percent were with Puan Maharani.

"Ganjar voters compared to other figures when running as a presidential candidate are much more related to PDIP voters", said Abbas.

This SMRC survey was conducted on 8-16 December 2021 through face-to-face or face-to-face interviews. The number of initial samples was 2420 which were selected at random (multistage random sampling) from the entire Indonesian population who were at least 17 years old or married.

With a total of 2,062 or 85 percent of respondents who can be interviewed validly. The margin of error for the survey with this sample size is estimated at ± 2.2 percent at the 95 percent confidence level.