Throughout 2021, National Narcotics Agency Of Southeast Sulawesi Reveals 7.8 Kg Of Crystal Methamphetamine From 18 Suspects

KENDARI - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Southeast Sulawesi has succeeded in uncovering criminal cases of abuse and illicit trafficking of 7.8 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine from 18 suspects during 2021.

Head of National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Southeast Sulawesi, Brigadier General Sabaruddin Ginting, said the evidence that was secured was the result of the disclosure of 12 drug case reports (LKN).

"Throughout 2021, our National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Southeast Sulawesi has succeeded in uncovering 7,844 grams of methamphetamine, and 3.35 grams of synthetic marijuana (gorilla tobacco)", he said during a year-end release in Kendari, Tuesday, December 28.

He said the suspects who were arrested from the disclosure of 12 LKN were 18 people, consisting of 16 men and two women.

From the results of the investigation into all of the suspects, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Southeast Sulawesi has succeeded in uncovering international networks such as Malaysia-Kolaka Sultra, inter-provincial network Samarinda-Kendari, Makassar-Kendari, Medan-Kendari, and Riau-Kendari.

"And the network of illicit trafficking of narcotics and narcotics precursors between Kendari City and several regencies in Southeast Sulawesi, such as the Kendari-Muna, Kendari-Kolaka, Kendari-Konawe, and Kendari-North Konawe networks", he explained.

Ginting said the modus operandi used by the suspects in circulating illicit goods in Southeast Sulawesi was affixed to the limbs using a corset and then flying by airplane, using post office delivery services, using goods delivery services (expedition), and using the patch system.

"The efforts of narcotics criminals who are increasingly cunning in smuggling various types of narcotics have not dampened the spirit of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Southeast Sulawesi to be smarter in uncovering cases in the Southeast Sulawesi Province", said Ginting.

In addition, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Southeast Sulawesi has also destroyed evidence of narcotics type methamphetamine five times with a total of 6,540 grams, while the rest is for laboratory and trial purposes.

"The case files that have entered stage P21 (phase II) are 9 case files, while the case files that are still in phase I are three case files", said Ginting.

Genting hopes that district/city governments that have regulations will immediately draw up regional regulations for P4GN (Prevention, Eradication of Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking) facilitation by the mandate of Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number: 12 of 2019 concerning P4GN facilitation.

"This is important because the implementation of Presidential Instruction No. 2 of 2020 concerning P4AGN can be implemented by districts/cities towards cities to catch the threat of drug danger (Kotan)", Ginting said as quoted by Antara.