South Kalimantan Police Fires 13 Members Throughout 2021

JAKARTA - The South Kalimantan Regional Police (Polda Kalsel) fired 13 members throughout 2021 for violating the Police Professional Code of Ethics.

"We certainly regret that there are still severe PTDH sanctions given to members of the South Kalimantan Police this year," said South Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Rikwanto in Banjarmasin, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 27.

The 13 members of the Police who had to take off their official clothes with dishonorable dismissal (PTDH) served at most 4 people at the South Kalimantan Police Headquarters, then the Tapin Police and Tabalong Police each 2 people and the rest 1 person at the Banjar Police, Tanah Laut Police, Tanah Bumbu Police, Kotabaru Police and Barito Kuala Resort Police.

The most common forms of violations are desertion or leaving official responsibilities for more than 30 consecutive days without permission from the leadership and drug crimes.

Rikwanto emphasized that the punishment was given to members of the National Police as a commitment to upholding organizational rules.

"The good name of the Police must be maintained as a large institution, therefore, those who tarnish the Bhayangkara Corps must take firm action according to their violations," said the two-star general.

Meanwhile, for those who excel, the Police also give high awards as a form of appreciation from the leadership for each member who performs well and brings the good name of the Police in the community.

This year, 360 South Kalimantan Regional Police and 13 Resort Police have received awards for their achievements in the fields of operations, staff and coaching or achievements outside of official duties.

"Many young people out there want to become members of the National Police, so for those who have succeeded in joining the Bhayangkara Corps, show their best performance and avoid the slightest violation as a form of gratitude and our appreciation to institutions and the state," said the Police Chief.