Fibrous Foods Turn Out To Be Effective In Boosting Immune

JAKARTA – A strong immune system is able to ward off all kinds of bacterial and viral attacks. According to immunologists, fiber foods are effective in maintaining your immune system.

Fiber is divided into two, namely simple fiber and complex fiber. Simple fiber is found in starchy foods, such as whole-wheat bread. While complex fiber from natural foods in the form of vegetables and fruits.

Quoting Mind Body Green, Thursday, December 23, according to Heather Moday, MD, an immunologist, and allergist, there are many ways to boost immunity. But there are things that are effective in increasing or maintaining your immunity, namely measuring the right portion of eating fiber foods in a day.

Based on medical research, about 70 percent of the immune system is determined by the condition of the gut. When the gut balance is less than optimal, it affects immune function and health. According to experts, gut microbes can be nourished with fibrous foods.

"If microbes are not fed properly, they will not reproduce and cannot do their job in helping us regulate the immune response," Moday said.

Every day, it is recommended to consume 38 grams of fiber for men and 25 grams for women. But based on the data obtained, the average American eats only about 16 grams of fiber per day.

“I love flaxseed. If I'm really busy, I just eat a tablespoon of hemp and put it in a salad or smoothie," Moday adds of her daily menu.

Moday also opts for chia seeds and root vegetables such as sweet potatoes, purple sweet potatoes, as well as avocado and raspberries. In addition to these foods, add yeast and mushrooms. You can also eat foods from wheat, barley, and rye seeds.

Moday also recommends adding foods that contain essential micronutrients for basic immunity. Such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin D3.

What fiber foods do you usually consume daily? Besides considering continuing to consume it every day, continue to live a healthy lifestyle and always follow health protocols so that you are not exposed to infectious viruses such as COVID-19.