North Sumatra Police Fires 28 Police, There Are Dissertation, Drugs And Obscenity Cases

MEDAN - The North Sumatran Regional Police (Polda) dishonorably dismissed (PTDH) 28 Polri personnel for violating the code of ethics based on facts and results of examinations carried out.

"The 28 members of the National Police at PTDH are 19 people related to narcotics, dissertation and general crimes, while the others include sexual abuse," said North Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General RZ Panca Putra Simanjuntak in his remarks at the ceremony for the dismissal of the 28 police officers at the North Sumatra Police Headquarters, Wednesday, December 22.

The Regional Police Chief said that of the 28 personnel who were dismissed, some have completed their criminal proceedings and some are still in the process.

In this ceremony, only two personnel who were fired attended the dismissal ceremony.

"What is clear is that the decision letter is already there. I hope this decision can be a lesson to all of my members and as a form of my accountability to the community," said the Regional Police Chief.