National Police Chief Responds Positively To Police Performance Satisfaction Survey Results

JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo responded positively to the survey results on the performance and public trust in the National Police (Polri)  institution, by using these achievements as material for self-improvement.

The National Police Chief said that the level of public trust in the National Police had decreased some time ago, but now the survey results show that the public still has high trust in the police.

"Alhamdulillah, from yesterday's national survey, the National Police was at 80.20 percent, which according to them is the highest figure for the past few years," Sigit said as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 21.

Recently, two survey institutions, namely Charta Politica and Populi Center, also released the results of a survey on the performance of the best legal institutions according to the community. Both put the Police in the top position among other institutions.

According to Sigit, the assessment was the result of the hard work of all members of the National Police and also the support of senior Bhayangkara Corps who provided input to improve.

"We cannot be in our comfort zone or we are left behind," said Sigit.

The National Police Chief said that the challenges of the National Police in the future are increasingly complex, especially in the 4.0 era and 5.0 society. Police personnel is required to be able to adapt to the development of information in this era, where the public pays more attention to institutions in providing services, especially on social media.

With these developments, Sigit emphasized, if the implementation of tasks does not go well and violations are still found, then this will greatly affect the level of public trust, especially the Police.

This, according to Sigit, is proven by the emergence of several hashtags related to the public's view of the Police.

However, Sigit ensured, all of these were input and evaluation so that the Bhayangkara Corps in the future would be better and loved by the community.

Sigit added that currently, Polri is focusing on implementing leadership and ethical competencies for all police personnel. It is hoped that every member of the National Police, has a leadership spirit that serves all circles.

"We continue to develop this in order to improve the Police in the future," said Sigit.

The performance of the National Police under the leadership of the National Police Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo reaped 75 percent of respondents' satisfaction based on the latest survey by the Populi Center Survey Institute, Monday, December 20.

Meanwhile, the majority of respondents interviewed by the Charta Politica survey agency assessed that Polri's work was the best when compared to other law enforcement agencies.

Police ranks at the top with the highest score. As many as 26.7 percent of the total 1,200 respondents or around 320 people considered the National Police to be the law enforcement agency with the best performance.