Sri Mulyani's Subordinates: The Government Has Not Confirmed That The Excise On Plastics And Sugar-sweetened Drinks Will Apply In 2022

JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance has not yet determined whether to impose an excise tax policy for plastics and sweetened drinks in 2022. This was conveyed by the Director-General of Customs and Excise, Askolani when holding a press conference on our State Budget with the Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, today.

According to him, the government is quite careful in setting state policies, especially those related to people's purchasing power. Askolani was also reluctant to provide certainty even though there was an official regulation that stipulates that excise levies on the two goods can be carried out starting next year.

"Indeed, in the 2022 State Budget Law in the derivative regulation of Presidential Regulation 104/2021, we plan that one of the excise revenues will be based on plastic and sweetened drinks. But then of course the government will look at it in balance with the actual conditions that will be faced whether the policy will be implemented or not", he said through a virtual channel, Tuesday, December 21.

Askolani added that another study that needs special attention is input from economic actors.

"Of course the government will be very considerate of the condition of economic recovery, the condition of the business world which must be considered carefully", he said.

For information, the government responded to the 2022 State Budget Law by making derivative regulations in Presidential Regulation Number 104 of 2021.

It is stated that the levy for plastic is IDR 30,000 per kilogram or IDR 200 per sheet of plastic. Meanwhile, for sweetened drinks such as packaged tea, soda, coffee, energy drinks, and concentrates, it is planned to impose an excise duty of IDR 1,500 to IDR 2,500 per liter.

Meanwhile, the target for excise tax revenue from these two consumer goods is projected to reach IDR 1.5 trillion in one tax year.