Former Of Agriculture and Plantation Service Head Convicted Of Corn Seed Corruption Sueded 13 Years In Prison

MATARAM - The Public Prosecutor has demanded that former Head of the West Nusa Tenggara Agriculture and Plantation Service, Husnul Fauzi, be accused of corruption in the corn seed procurement project, with a sentence of 13 years in prison.

"We hereby demand that the Panel of Judges impose a prison sentence of 13 years on the defendant Husnul Fauzi", said Hasan Basri on behalf of the Public Prosecutor's team reading his demands before the Panel of Judges of the Mataram Corruption District Court, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 21.

The Public Prosecutor also demanded that the Panel of Judges, led by I Ketut Somanasa, impose a criminal fine of IDR 600 million on the defendant, with a subsidiary of 4 months in prison.

This demand was conveyed by the public prosecutor by stating that the defendant's actions, in this case, had fulfilled the elements of evidence in the primary indictment.

"Therefore, the public prosecutor demands that the panel of judges decide that the defendant Husnul Fauzi is found guilty of violating Article 2 Paragraph 1 Jo Article 18 of Law No. 20/2001 concerning Amendments to Law No. 31/1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption Juncto Article 55 Paragraph 1 of the 1st Criminal Code according to the contents of the primary indictment", he said.

However, in an additional article in the indictment, related to Article 18 of Law No. 20/2001 on Amendments to Law No. 31/1999 on the Eradication of Corruption Crimes which regulates the payment of compensation for state losses, the prosecutor stated that there was no such thing. relationship with the defendant.

"From the existing legal facts, it cannot be proven that funds were originating from the state budget that flowed to the defendant Husnul Fauzi", he said.

This fact is seen from the confession of the defendant under oath along with the statements of witnesses, other defendants, and the parties involved in the corn seed procurement project by PT Sinta Agri Mandiri (SAM) and PT Wahana Banu Sejahtera (WBS).

"So the Public Prosecutor assessed that the defendant Husnul Fauzi was freed from the burden of paying compensation for state losses", said Hasan.

Then three things incriminate the defendant so that the prosecutor demands a prison sentence of 13 years.

First, the defendant's actions were deemed not to support the commitment to eradicate corruption, collusion, and nepotism within the government. The second relates to the attitude of the defendant who does not admit his actions.

"Third, the facilitation program for the procurement of corn seeds is a government program for the people, to achieve food self-sufficiency. In essence, the defendant's actions are not only detrimental to the state but also the community", he said.

After hearing that his demands were read out, Chief Justice I Ketut Somanasa allowed the defendant to present a memorandum of defense or pledoi in the agenda for the next trial, Monday, December 27.

"We still give the defendant's rights, but because the detention period is almost over, the trial is resumed with the agenda of reading the defendant's plea on Monday, December 27, 2021", said Somanasa closing the trial.