Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly Is Tested Positive For COVID-19, Quebec Closes Bars To Gyms

JAKARTA - Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly announced she had tested positive for COVID-19 after taking a rapid test on Monday, deciding to work while in isolation until her results could be confirmed.

Joly, 42, was appointed foreign minister in October and will be one of the most prominent domestic politicians to be hit by the coronavirus, which is spreading rapidly as the Omicron variant accelerates.

"I've had a rapid test and tested positive for COVID-19. Following public health guidelines, I'm isolated and will continue to do my job virtually, as I've been doing for a few days, until I get my PCR test results," she said on Twitter, citing Reuters December 21.

Foreign Minister Joly did not provide further details. Meanwhile, its chief spokesman could not immediately be reached for comment.

Earlier, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Friday the spike in Omicron cases was "scary." Meanwhile, a top medical official suggested the healthcare system could soon become packed with patients.

Meanwhile, on the same day, Quebec, Canada's second most populous province, ordered bars, gyms and casinos to close on Monday, advising people to work only from home.

Quebec Health Minister Christian Dube said the province had a record 4.500 new coronavirus cases a day and was expected to get even worse.

He urged Quebec to reduce personal contact with Christmas and New Year's Day approaches. The new measures will take effect at 5 p.m. (2200 GMT) on Monday.

"The situation is critical. We are currently at war with the virus," Dube said at a virtual briefing.

"We're going to have new projections from our specialists tonight and to be honest, they're probably not going to be encouraging."

Dube added that most schools will close immediately until January 10, while restaurants will only be open from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. And all sporting events will be played without spectators.