Watampone District Court Recorded Narcotics Cases Dominate General Crimes

BONE - The Watampone District Court, Bone Regency, recorded 98 narcotics cases or dominated out of a total of 265 general criminal cases from January to November 2021.

"So, from the data from the Watampone District Court in Bone Regency, the data on general criminal cases that still dominate is Narcotics cases throughout 2021," said Public Relations of the Bone Regency District Court, Ahmad Syarif, answering reporters' questions, most cases occurred in Bone Regency, Monday, December 20.

He said the general criminal cases handled by the Bone District Court were 98 narcotics cases, followed by 51 cases of abuse, then the third-highest position was theft cases, namely 50 cases.

In addition to the three dominating cases, he continued, there were also several cases including traffic violations and decency.

Meanwhile, data from the Bone District District Court also noted that during the January - November 2021 period there were 126 civil cases.

If civil cases are compared to general criminal cases, he continued, there are still far more general criminal cases than civil cases.

This happens almost every year. Not only in the District Court of Bone, but also in the District Courts in other areas in South Sulawesi.