Rain And Strong Wind This Morning On Sepanjang Beach Gunung Kidul, Dozens Of Merchant Stalls Were Badly Damaged

JAKARTA - Dozens of gazebos on Sepanjang Beach, Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, were badly damaged by heavy rain and strong winds this morning at around 06.00 western Indonesia time.

"Based on reports from the team in the field, more than 50 gazebos which are usually used for selling field creative traders (PKL) were badly damaged. Currently, the team is still collecting data on total losses on the Panjang Beach due to this damage," said Secretary of SAR Satlinmas Region II Gunung Kidul Surisdiyanto in Gunung Kidul, Monday, December 20, quoted by Antara.

He said from observations in the field, more than 80 percent of the damaged gazebos made of asbestos roofs were badly damaged. However, he ensured that this incident did not cause any casualties, but material losses.

"Until now there have been no casualties because the conditions when it rains accompanied by wind are still quiet. No traders have come to sell yet. We are still collecting data for study materials and next steps," he said.

Surisdiyanto said that apart from the gazebo roof, there was a fallen tree blocking the access from Panjang Beach to Nglolang Beach.

"We have coordinated with the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) to help get rid of fallen trees due to blocking road access, so that tourist vehicles can pass," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of BPBD Gunung Kidul, Edy Basuki, said that the Rapid Response Team (TRC) had rushed to the location to evacuate the fallen tree.

"We have sent the TRC Team to the location to immediately clean up the fallen tree, as well as help with community service cleaning debris on the Panjang Beach," said Edy.