List Of Unconscious Mistakes When Doing A Food Diet

JAKARTA - Diet or eating patterns should be done by paying attention to the condition of the body and through the assistance of a nutritionist. CEO and founder of lightHOUSE dr. Grace Judio explained that the mistake that most people make when they are on a diet program is not understanding diet information correctly.

"If you look at patients in general, it's actually more about him getting information from Google. So he searches, yes. And there's a lot of information, he also doesn't know what is right for him," said Grace, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, December 18.

"So for example this is healthy, but healthy doesn't necessarily help you lose weight. Then there are terms like gluten free, he thinks it can help you lose weight. But it doesn't," she continued.

Furthermore, Grace also explained that someone often immediately follows someone else's diet who has succeeded in losing weight. In fact, the diet of each person is not the same. Therefore, it is natural that a diet method works for someone but doesn't work for yourself.

Not only that, Grace also explained that in addition to mistakes when doing a diet program, there are also several tendencies that are often experienced. For example, such as bulimia who deliberately vomits his food because he feels guilty after eating food.

"Besides that, there is also a tendency. The most common is the eating disorder tendency. If it's severe, we can immediately know and treat it, it's super special. For example, bulimia," said Grace.

Therefore, Grace advises not to go on a diet program carelessly. To do a healthy diet and in accordance with each body, you should first consult a nutritionist to a psychologist.