Commission VIII DPR Supports Police To Legally Process Joseph Suryadi Who Insulted The Prophet Muhammad

JAKARTA - Commission VIII of the House of Representatives supports the police in processing the law on Joseph Suryadi who is a suspect in an insulting chat against the Prophet Muhammad SAW in a WhatsApp group.

Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII of the DPR, Ace Hasan Syadzily, said that if law enforcement officials can prove that the person intentionally spreads hatred by insulting the Prophet Muhammad, then the person concerned must be given a punishment in accordance with applicable regulations.

According to the head of the commission in charge of religious affairs, even insulting a person can be punished by the law with an unpleasant act. Moreover, insulting the figure of the Prophet Muhammad SAW who is believed by the people as a perfect being who carries the message of Islam.

"For those of us who are Muslims, insulting the Prophet Muhammad is the same as insulting religion, even though the Prophet Muhammad himself is still noble in our eyes and will never be humiliated because of that person's insults," said Ace to reporters, Thursday, December 16.

"Therefore, we support law enforcement officials to process it in accordance with applicable legal provisions," he continued.

The chairman of the Golkar DPP emphasized that legal action against Joseph Suryadi is important so that no one can spread hatred anymore, because it can damage religious harmony.

"In addition, we must not carelessly say words that tend to insult and spread hatred," said Ace.

This insulting post of the Prophet Muhammad SAW by Joseph Suryadi was initially spread on WhatsApp. Joseph Suryadi sent a caricature with a caption

"Aisah's age always changed when she married the Prophet, she didn't get older, she got more YOUNG, WHAT'S IMPORTANT... SAME AS UZTADZ HW".

The post from the mobile number +6281210**** allegedly belongs to Joseph Suryadi. Joseph Suryadi's post was seen in a screenshot of a conversation in a WhatsApp group.

The screenshot then went viral. This then made the Twitter world erupt with the hashtag #TangkapJosephSuryadi.

Twitter accounts are busy asking the Police to arrest Joseph Suryadi. Some accounts even include a photo of the man suspected of being Joseph Suryadi, along with the address of Joseph Suryadi's house in Tanjung Duren, West Jakarta.