Minister Of Finance Sri Mulyani: Merry Christmas To Christians At The Ministry Of Finance

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JAKARTA - Chrisye's song entitled 'Damai Bersamamu' was heard at the Ministry of Finance. It felt special because the one who sang was the Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani.

Sri Mulyani sings alone accompanied by a pianist. She looks so soulful every time she sings the song.

Sri Mulyani was there to participate in celebrating Christmas with the Ministry of Finance's extended family.

"I appreciate the Christians of the Ministry of Finance who are called to take part in restoring the country to realize the ideals of a stronger and more prosperous Indonesia", Sri Mulyani wrote on her Facebook account, Sunday, December 12 yesterday.

Sri Mulyani hopes that this moment of love and joy can create a spirit of sharing with others who are in need and strengthen those who are mentally exhausted.

"Merry Christmas to all Christians in the Ministry of Finance, may peace and love always be with you", she said.